Our newest clinic in Kabul is providing ongoing services to the desperate people outside its doors. Not only medical care, but we have the space to provide education too! We are in the process of designing classes for mother and child nutrition as our first classes in this clinic, but there will be many more! Right now, nutrition education is critical. It is even more critical to get a more stable food supply available. We can educate the world on proper eating habits, but what does it matter if there is no food? Without access to international aid agencies, AIL is paying for every bite of food we give away.Thirty percent more people are starving in Afghanistan than were starving in August, and food insecurity was critical then.
Clinic Reports Show Food Insecurity is Critical
Our women and girls are hungrier every day. The world faces crisis after crisis, and in the noise of more war, victims of previous wars are forgotten. We must not forget. We must still focus on the crisis in Afghanistan as well. Our hearts hurt for Ukraine, for the children and women facing the results of another war made on their backs. Our women and children understand the pain they feel. We hope and pray for better in Ukraine than we were left with in Afghanistan. Here, underage marriage, sales of children and black market organ sales become normal. No one should face such choices. No mother should ever have to decide which child gets to eat today, and which one doesn’t. We must, as a world, focus on peace. Focus on teaching, building, dreaming of better than war. We must not turn our backs on the idea of better. It can be hard to remember love when the language of war is all we hear. Love is quiet, war is loud. Within the noise of falling rubble and more hungry children, we must speak that language of love, of soothing and care. Without it, what do we stand for?
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