Dr. Yacoobi has long understood the importance of early childhood development. In our centers, the focus on child centered learning has been the foundation of our trainings since we began. AIL’s modern teaching methods were revolutionary at the time, but have become what people expect out of a teacher who underwent our training. Learning while playing, using creative and cheerful teaching plans, all contribute to early childhood development. What some consider a normal method is brand new to others. Teaching our kids their colors and fine motor control through making Mothers Appreciation Cards. Including exercise, and healthy snacks, all lead to greater achievements in life.

Setting a strong foundation for our little ones means as they grow we get better results as we set them up for success later in life. Seeing our adolescents and preteens collaborating, and innovating brings such hope for the future. The projects they develop, such as a public awareness campaign on clean water, or recycling, inspires us to do better for them. We know the stronger the foundation, the better the outcome. In developing nations this is especially critical, but it also results in giving children tools they need to improve their lives.
Early Learning helps kids work together later
When AIL begins a new program, we also reach out to the community. One cannot expect change if we don’t tell the parents what is changing. Because Early Childhood Development is such a new concept, we hold meetings with the parents, show them what we are doing, encourage them to have their Pre-K age children attend. This gives us the opportunity to talk to the parents about health, nutrition, vaccines and other important subjects for our parents to learn. Rural areas haven’t had access to this information, in many cases ever. AIL always takes every opportunity to educate, no matter the age!
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