AIL began educating people when it was still very dangerous to do so. When AIL finally went public, one of the first things we did was start a research and development branch. Every nation on earth has resources invested in developing new methods to advance their nation and AIL did the same. We are happy to announce the publication of this years efforts! Despite the intense difficulties everyone in Afghanistan faces this year, our team never stopped working. The dedication of AIL staff is without question. Not only is the nations in shambles, access to data never became available. Happily, our people found a new topic, despite the extra strain and work it means they undertook. Staff also had to put extraordinary effort into creating, testing and then using a research protocol. Great job team!!!

As hard as the last year was, our research team collected and analyzed more than 30 articles on addiction. They analyzed more than 70 studies on addiction in Afghanistan and Iran, the effects of addiction on women, children and men. Using this information our team designed a research study in order to better understand addiction in Herat. This will allow AIL doctors to better treat and discourage addiction among the residents AIL serves. Our yearly publication focuses on addiction, though we also included discussions on best practice for designing studies and understanding data. By adding in a “how to” section, we are opening the door to other researchers, so they can take our research further or design their own studies.
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