Many have reached out, so as an update, AIL, as always, is focusing on teaching. We have separate teaching spaces for our boys and girls. If a girls has reached 6th grade, we have approved education programs for them in our Community Based Organizations in many areas. In others, they can continue to attend, as long as they have their own space. AIL schools are functioning normally, and for that we are grateful. We will never stop educating our people. All of our people.
We are working closely with local leaders, keeping them updated on our curriculum changes, and ensuring we have approval for all of our schools programs. Our strong community bonds and long time presence helps AIL navigate the complicated situation. The community trusts and respects us, which prevents AIL from facing significant hardship.
Update on Afghanistan humanitarian aid

We are still experiencing a humanitarian crisis of intense need. AIL is doing everything in our power to feed, clothe, shelter and educate the people in our communities. Afghanistan needs more help. We are happy to do what we can, but our budget cannot stretch any further. The World Health Organization has returned and is working closely with local groups to support health. AIL is grateful for the additional vaccines we have access too now. We have vaccinated nearly 1200 women and children in the month already! Healthy kid are kids who can learn! Healthy moms raise healthy kids. We at AIL have known this for many years.
Even though times are hard, we must keep hope. AIL still has hope for the future of Afghanistan.
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